A better way to mobile money

Use our mobile app to send and receive money, buy EDSA, buy data bundles, send top-ups, and more.

App screenshot

Trusted by our agents

Authorized agents are fully equipped to help the customers understand & use our services.

Customer Elite Site

Access your QMoney account at our new Customer elite site!

Yes. you heard right. You can now access all your QMoney data in one place.

See all your history from the beginning of time.
You can do all QMoney transactions.
You can also check and redeem your QMoney points.
Easily switch, change or reset all security codes like PIN.

Check it out!
The QMoney agent app!

Lets be partners! Click on the buttons below to download the latest version of our QMoney agent app.

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App Store
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Authorized QMoney Operators are the vehicles used to give QMoney services to QMoney clients. They are the service’s human face; the link between real cash and digital money. In addition to processing cash ins (deposits) and cash outs (withdrawals), QMoney employees also offer over-the-counter (OTC) services and pre-paid services like QPower. Depending on the agency type—wholesaler distributor or retail sub-agent/agents are subject to legislation and must fulfill and adhere to Central Bank and business requirements.


First blog post

The first ever blog post is here. It might be a good idea to update this post with some more relevant content.